Sunday, January 28, 2007


I want to brag for a minute about Phil - he won ROOKIE OF THE YEAR! He has been in Florida since Wednesday for the national conference and last night he called me after their awards banquet to let me know the good news. I am so proud of him! Phil is really doing what he should be doing. He is so good at his job and he really enjoys it! I am glad the company has recognized his hard work.

CONGRATULATIONS PHIL! The girls and I are so proud of you!


Unknown said...

Congrats to Phil.
I am enjoying staying up with the family.
Thanks,Love to All back home!

Jody said...

Hi Colleen. Thanks for visiting Iowa Geek! You will really enjoy the bean cakes recipe. I promise!

Lisa Knight said...

Hi Thanks for visiting Lisa's Cook Book. To answer your question about kneading in my stand mixer... I knead as long as the recipe says to. I probably don't have to but so far I have been extremely happy with the results.